When I got to the house after work tonight, I had to hurry and cut as much grass as I could, then I had to take a shower because I was sweating like a stuck pig and covered in grass clippings and bug bites, and then I finally got to cook. As such, I was hungry as fuck and didn't want to spend a lot of time doing anything. Solution? Couscous and veggies.
I diced up some red bell pepper, sliced up a couple cremini mushrooms, julienned some zucchini, minced some red onion, smashed and sliced a couple garlic cloves, and chopped up a kale leaf. Quick and easy, time to get cooking.
I heated a stainless steel pan, poured in a tablespoon or two of olive oil, and dumped in the garlic and red onion. I let that cook until the garlic was just starting to brown, then I added some red pepper flakes. I gave the pepper flakes a stir in the oil, let it sit for a minute, then added the mushrooms, pepper, and zucchini. I seasoned all of that with a pinch or two of salt and let it cook until the mushrooms began to soften, then I added about a teaspoon of nutritional yeast.
At this point, I dumped in the kale, let it sauté until it was just starting to wilt, then I added a couple tablespoons of red wine and about a quarter cup of vegan cream, seasoned with salt and pepper, and let that all simmer together for a few minutes.
The couscous was simple. I put a cup of water into a pot, got it boiling, added some salt and extra virgin olive oil, then stirred in my couscous, took the pot off the heat, put the lid on, and let it steam for 5 minutes. When it hit 5 minutes, I cracked in a bit of black pepper, then stirred it all up with a fork. That's fucking it. Couscous is a wonderful quick food.
I was hungry, so I didn't do any fancy plating. You can smash it all up in a pipe on your plate if you want, or do some other artsy bullshit. I couldn't give less of a shit. I dumped some couscous in a bowl, then dumped some veggies on top and poured in a little bit of the wine cream.
Then I mixed it all up and ate it like a hungry fat man. It was delicious.
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