Another day, another chicken breast. The last couple times I've cooked breasts, I've sliced them thin first: helps them cook up quick without drying out, which is always a plus when you're fucking starving after a day at work. Throw a little pasta in there and you've got yourself a tasty meal without spending much time.
I seasoned the chicken with some salt and pepper, then gave it a light dredging of flour - not trying to necessarily bread the chicken, just give it a little extra crust. I fried it in some butter and a little garlic oil. Just a couple minutes per side. Nice little crisp but still moist and tender.
Meanwhile, my fettucine was cooking and my veggies were sitting ready. Some diced radish and red bell pepper, sliced mushroom and green onion, some quartered cherry tomatoes and minced garlic, plus a fuckton of chopped parsley (that shit's gonna last a while).
Once the chicken was done and removed from the pan, I dropped in the stuff from the black bowl (radish, mushroom, onion, and pepper). A little salt while that cooked, then let it sit for a few minutes.
When the radish was starting to soften, I dropped in the mushroom and garlic, mixed it all up, then poured in a little bit of white wine to scrape the chicken taste off the pan, then let it all simmer for a couple minutes.
I added in a little spinach. Just a leaf or two. It took a hot minute for the spinach to cook down, but it eventually happened. A little extra salt on those leaves, then it was saucy time.
By "saucy time," though, I just mean I poured in a little cream and a shit ton of black pepper, then I mixed it all together. Once it cooked down just a touch, I grated in a good bit of asiago, then mixed in my noodles.
I kept the plating simple. Put some saucy noodles on the plate and dropped some of that parsley on there, then stacked a few pieces of chicken next to it. While you can enjoy them separately, it might be worth your while to mix that chicken in with the sauce. Super tasty. Just sayin.
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